Page 160 - chs-1975
P. 160
Girls Whack Off
A Winning Start
The 1974-'75 Girls' Softball Team,, in
its second yea1· under Ms. Linda Oli-
ver, hit off a good season. With star
players Shirley Jackson and Sharon
Coats in c01mnand, the girls prac-
ticed hard for success.
Eve11 with her eyes tlo8erl Slwron Coats is able to catch anythi11g comi11y
her way.
"Super Jack" Shirley Ja ckson is ulways reudy ju1· a yood catch.
Team Roster
Shirley Jackson Captain
Sharon COats Co-Captain
Brenda Free
Shawn Thomas
Annette Owens
Cherie Boutwell
Teresa Bass
Debbie Philpot
Gwen Cochran
Gaynell Young
l:)li Soft Patsy Butcher
Yvette Pierce
M Pat Ellis
Gaynell Young anticipates a double.