Page 318 - chs-1975
P. 318
Dr. Lima
Lloyd Willieji!l·d Dr. Beckman Dt·. Fer11andez
Mechwn's Curs and Parts
Taco Te.~ Randall King ctndfamily DT. Goyenechea
Theo J. Kirhy, County Tax Assesso1· Hiroko's Men's Hair Stylist
Karetl Kinard Ed Wheeler, Inc. N.M. Juye Jetceler
Local National Guard Unit, 15JTrl Engineer Nurtun Hrune I mprovement KLEAN-RITE
Busy Bee Nursery Rodney S. Dicks Dr. Witt
Dr. Frank Phillips Colton Johnson 's Motors Joe, Betsey, and Don
Jay Hargrove Pmtection Service Sheriff J. Glettn Bailey
DT. Benefield BeT I ie's Mr. and Mr8. James Hill
The LaRosa Family Martin Campers McDuff Applia nee Store
Paul Giebeig, JT. Mr. E. Lipscomb Shiver'., E.r.w11
Mr. and Mrs. R.B. Eadie I n-O!it Food Store
J. Rolwrt Weaver Funeral Home McDuffie's Sporting Goods Co., I nc.
M1·. and Mrs. Dun StoTins Roper's Fuhric Shop
Alletha Choice Murgurel's Hume of Fashio11s
Lake City Pharmacy Flot·idrt Neo11 Signs
Blanche Barber Shop Puul Roy Studios
Dr. Frank Broome Nu ncy J. Dixo11
Philli}J Pickens Mr. and Mrs . Juck Burnette
Luke City Pawn Shop Hill's Tmiler Park
Tomn~y Stephens Buick Glenn's Gmnddad Su~;ie a nrl Steven
Mahry Bros. Ace Hurdware Homestead Resta !!Tall I Mr. and Mrs . T.B. Houston
Dupree Moudy, City ComnLissioner Keaton's Tuylu nd R.G. Gurdner
Dr. Frank Adel Jim Cuin King Karl's Steaks and Seafood
J. W. Williams, DDS Dan Boone Phillip Pickens
Mury J im Crews Harold F. Roherts Mr. a II(/ Mro. Butler Read
Youris M. D to~tl Roy Ward's Linda (IIU/ Phil
Dr. Ma rcellu Bar H Muhile Ken unci Geotgeanna Builey
Dr. Louis A. Schwartz Rol>erl E. Ma r/cs, DDS Luw'., Fish Markel
LaiU/nun und Weiffenhach, P.A. Jimmie's Buttermilk Chicke11 Mi/liga11 's Office Mrtchines
Dr. Lo.rley Jtmior's Gu.lf Service
Lake City, Florida
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