Page 62 - chs-1975
P. 62
Playing The Field
Adding to the exciternent of Hornecorning, the three classes
cornpeted against each other on field day. Each class
strived to gain points that would be added to their overall
Hornecorning score. Beginning the events of co1npetition
was an egg toss. The crowds' tension was relived by the
splattering of yokes on unexpected faces.
Next carne the trials and skills proved in the three legged
race. The cheers of encouragernent frorn their audience
gave the contestants the will to rnake it "all the way."
Both the Junior and Senior classes were ove1·whelrned by
the Sophornore girls' show of strength which brought thern
victory, in the 1·itual tug-of-war. The Sophornore boys' at-
ternpt was, however, not as successful. Senior boys dis-
played their strength by defeating both classes.
The farnous sack race featured skinned knees and bruised
elbows. Even though rnany students turnbled down, they
rnade it back up to hop across the finish line. Dottie Combs helps Seniors roll into first.
A strong arrn and a spirited crowd rnade the softball throw
a powerful explosion of involvernent.
Anyone with a deterrnined nose was invited to enter the
egg roll. Much rnotivation was needed in getting an egg
rolling as it stared you in the face.
Overall, field day was an extrernely stirring and success-
ful part of Hornecorning. Seniors took first place with 100
points. Juniors hooked second with 75 points and Soph-
ornores carne in third with 50 points.
&phomores struggle for a first in field day's tug of war. "Egged" on by the encouragement from the crowd, Susie Rountree shows
her involvement in the egg toss.
58 Homecoming