Page 119 - chs-1976
P. 119
Kenneth Williams Sinclair Rowe
Mario 'Coppock Phillip Rossin
Credit must be given for the fine Even though this season cannot be
play of many individuals on the Tiger chronicled for celebration, it will be
team such as Mario Coppock, "Tick" remembered for its excitement.
Williams, Tony johnson, "San ke"
Rowe, Phillip Rossin, and "jimbob" As if to spite the fine coaching of
Thompsen -who all contributed to Coach Presley, bad breaks plagued
exciting moments of sparkling play. the Tigers all season long. There is
All who watched their spirited play all next year, and according to the
will retain memories: "Tick" going law of averages, everything equals
up for two, Phillip Rossin grabbing a out. So, the returning Tigers will
rebound, a jumper by Mario Cop- look forward to the next season.
pock- and much more.