Page 64 - chs-1976
P. 64

Strong  Leadership  Helps the juniors

               Patiently wait the juniors             Into tomorrow.
               While the quickening year passes       A  mountain  high with  jagged  arms
               Looking now back,                      Rea~hing for the sky,
               Seeing the traveled  road  dusty,      Adorned with a weaving path  worn,
               With scattered years  of toil,         By  those who came  before,
               Sprinkled sweetly with  joy,           Leading to the great fork,
               Memories  haunting                     Mantled by clouds,
               Lyrical  in afterthoughts cool light,   Where the sad  roads  part
               Looking now ahead,                     In  the Senior year,
               Straining eyes to piece shifting mists,   Falteringly trudge the juniors,
               Clouding the path  beyond,             The  path  ahead  lies  now clear,
               Till  hope at last brings fresh winds,   They must climb the mountain, and
               Blowing the gloom away,                Part their Senior year.
               Showing a twisted path  climbing,

               junior  class  officers,  President  Cenia  Minor,
               Vice President Kerri Koon, Sec.  Penny Hudson,
               Tres.  Wendy  Welch,  Sergeant-at-Arms  Cheryl
              ]aye,  Laison  Clarence  Tucker,  lead their class
               down the road to success.
              The  Class  President,  Cenia  Minor,  skipping
              class? It couldn 't  be.

              60  juniors
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