Page 238 - chs-1977
P. 238
Golf is for Swingers !
Pat Oosterhoudt, Mark Phillips, Mike McCranie, David Danielson, Randy Waldron, John Knight, Billy Jones, Tim
Dortch. Not pictured: Kenny Boyle, Guy Norris and Alan Yancy.
This year's fighting Tiger golf 2-18 Orange Park A
team started practice after Christ- 3-14 Live Oak H
mas vacation with a rugged 3-15 Wolfson - A
schedule to prepare for. Competi- 3-24 Fletcher H
tion is tough for the 6 playing spots 3-25 Starke H
so these people will change every 3-30 Live Oak A
match. The Conference Tournament 4-7 Palatka South H
will probably be played here at the 4-18 Palatka South A
Lake City Country Club. Golf is a 4-19 Orange Park H
game of skill rather than strength 4-22 GATEWAY CONFERENCE
which is developed over several 4-25 Starke A
years. The team expanded its match 4-26 West Nassau A
schedule to include: 4-29 DISTRICT TOURNAMENT
Tim Dortch gets ready for a drive.
Coach Romine instructs a player on his putting skills.
234 I Golf