Page 33 - chs-1977
P. 33

the thrill and sweat ....

        Homecoming Skit,  3,4;  Math  Club, 3,4;  Peo-  lntramurals, 2,3,4.              LANELL GRICE
        ple Advisory Council, 3,4; Pep  Club, 4.                                       Track Team, 2.
                                                 MELISSA GRAHAM
          DEBORAH  J. GIVENS
        Basketball  Team,  2,3,4;  Chorus,  4;  Drama   -- ELVIN  GRAY                   ARNOLD GRIFFIN
        Club, 1.                                Footbal l C Team , 1; DECA, 1 ,2,3,4.
          CHARLES W.  GOODSON, JR.               ANNETTE GREEN                          LISA D. GUTHRIE
        Auto  Mechanics,  3,4;  Student  Council,  3;   Chorus, 1.                    FBLA, 2; CBE, 4; Art Club, 3;  FHA, 1.
        Homeroom  Representative,  3;  VICA ,  3,4;
                                                 TIM  GREENE
        Baseball, 1; Float Committee .• 3; lntramurals,                                 ROBERT ANTHONY HALL
        3,4.                                   DECA, 3,4.
                                                                                       Basketball, 2; Football C Team, 1; Intramural
          Bl LL Y GRAHAM                         DIANE  GRICE                          Basketball, 2,4;  Intramural  Football, 2,4;  In-
        Basketball Team,  2,3,4;  Football  C Team,  1;   Pep  Club,  4.              tramural  Softball, 4.
                                                                                                               Seniors I 29
   28   29   30   31   32   33   34   35   36   37   38