Page 110 - chs-1979
P. 110

French  Club

          French  Club  is  made  up  of students  from  the
          French  classes.  French  Club  is  designed  to  ac-
          quaint students with  customs and holidays of the
          French  people  and  to  allow  them  to  help  with
          community activities as good ambassadors.  Pres-
          ident, Steve Love;  Vice-President, Jody Hansen ;
          Secretary,  Marilyn  Giebeig;  Treasurer,  Tracey
          McAlister. Members are:  Beth Atwood, Deborah
          Ball, Angela  Breza, Susan  Boone,  Kenny  Boyle,
          Debbie  Brown,  Dawn  Childs,  Kelly  Carson,
          Terry  Crews,  David  Boutwell,  Ricky  Couch,
          Angie  Crews,  Natalie  Counts,  Fran  Brown,
          Sandy Davis, Marsha Dicks, Lucy Dekle, Sharon
          Dicks,  Donna  Edge,  Debbie  Engesser,  Deby
          Ford, David Bates, Sonja Granger, Anna Green-
          galgh,  Ann  Giebeig,  Marilyn  Giebeig,  Karen
          Gardner,  Beth  George,  Mary  Nell  Haley,  Nan
          Huggins,  Jody  Huggins,  Kathy  Huchingson,
          Mike Harrell, Buddy Hines, James Johnson, Su-
          san  Knight,  Reid  Kennedy,  Steve  Love,  Roger
          Lawton,  Mike  Lord,  Kelly  Lord,  Mike  Miles,
          Chucky Milligan, Debbie Martin, Chris McRae,
          Bert  Marks,  Charles  Morgan,  Tracey  McAlister,
          Janie Minor, Guy Norris, Keith Ozaki, Steve Os-
          burn,  Laurie  Page,  Kenny  Patterson,  Brenda
          Price, Tommy Price, Mark Phillips,  Laura Peele,
          Marie  Romine,  Debra  Robarts,  Rex  Strickland,
          Sandy Shaw, Keith  Shaw, Ann Smithey, Marcia
          Sheely,  Shaun  Tootle,  John  Timmons,  Vicki
          Windham,  Drew  Williams,  Lori  Williams, Joey
          Weeks,  Libby  Witt,  Venessa  Wilkes,  Dennis
          Wight,  Rosie  Wimberly  Richard  Fernandez,
          Lohre  Lamonda, Kay Toner,  Pat Womer,  Sarah

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