Page 81 - chs-1979
P. 81

It  Takes  Team Work

                                                                                       In  the  years  past  the  CHS  Varsity  Ti-
                                                                                       gers  have  compiled  records  that  the
                                                                                       student body, faculty,  and  all  of Lake
       Pictured  L  to  R-Coach  Presley, James  Rossin, Eddie  Byrden,  Ricky  Jernigan,  Ronnie  Richardson,  Alfis   City may be proud of. The Fighting Ti-
       Wilson, Ron Robinson, Jeff Cruce, Mike Felton, Melvin Win tons, Carl McGhohy, Kenny Gaines, Roderick
       Jones, Willie Wintons, and  Robert Gaines.                                      gers  are  headed by Glynn Presley  and
                                                                                        L.C.  Bradley at Assistant.

                                                                                        Special mention needs greatly to be ex-
                                                                                        pressed  for  a  guy  that  would  surely
                                                                                        have been a starter on this years team.
                                                                                       This man is  Aaron Johnson who broke
                                                                                        his  knee  during  a  varsity  football

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