Page 109 - chs-1980
P. 109


                     Mrs. Wanda Gause-"Look, birdbrain."                           Mrs. Barbara Foreman-" ! love you!"

                                                                                Mrs. Anne  Dekle-" Let's have  a  pow wow."
                                                                         Columbia  High's  English  Depart-
                                                                       ment  offers  a  wide  variety  of  pro-
                                                                       grams for its students. In addition to
                                                                      the basic English  courses, students
                                                                       may choose to take Speech, Drama,
                                                                       Publications,  Debate,  Journalism,
                                                                       Creative Writing, or Advanced Com-
                                                                       position.  Sophomores  become  ac-
                                                                       quainted  with  Silas  Marner and  Ju-
                                                                       lius  Caesar;  juniors  oecome
                                                                       involved with the lives of the charac-
                                                                       ters  in  Our Town;  and  seniors  read
                                                                       Shelley,  Byron,  Keats  and  Shake-
              Mrs. Diane  Ellis-" AII  right, you  guys. Quiet back stage!"   speare. The days spent on the study
                                                                       of our language  help  to  prepare  us
                                                                       for our future.
                                                                                                                    Faculty/ 105
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