Page 245 - chs-1980
P. 245

Art Club

                                                                                           The  Art  Club  contributed  greatly
                                                                                         to  the  pride  and  spirit  at  Columbia
                                                                                         High this year by gaining many hon-
                                                                                         ors  and  awards.  They  successfully
                                                                                         completed many fine projects which
                                                                                         included winning a first place ribbon
                                                                                         for  their  booth  at  the  Columbia
                                                                                         County  Fair.

                                                                                        Members are  Beth Atwood, Lee  Ann  Bertram. Susan Borst.
                                                                                        Bobby Boetwnght, Melod1e  Brannon, Amelia  Bndges. Linda
                                                                                        Brockman.  T1na  Brooks,  Darlene  Brown,  Dorothy  Carter
                                                                                        Dawn Dtcks, Rhonda Dnggers, Frank1e  Eatmon . Pam Foster,
                                                                                        Am G1ebeig, Robm Gillette, Anna Greenhalgh, Beverly Holt,
                                                                                        J1m  Johnson.  Jana  K1ng,  Lon  Lecthenberg,  Tammy  Lee,
                                                                                        Sandy  Marl<ham,  Debb1e  Martm,  Marl<  Math1s.  M1ke  M1les
                                                                                        Gayl  McClure, Debra  Neeley,  Tern  Noms. Rob1n  Payne, Jill
                                                                                        Pauley, Rory Penland, Gaye Lynn Revels, Tony Richardson,
                                                                                        Tracey Saylor, Usa Spradley, Lew1s Stokes, Betsy Teuscher
                                                                                        Debbie  Thomas,  Dale  Williams,  Lon  Williams,  and  Brenda
                                                                                         1a111  ru::>ter,  .u.nn  l:i1ebe1g,  Robm
                                                                                         Gillette,  Anna Greenhalgh,  Beverly
                                                                                         Holt,  Jim  Johnson,  Jana King,  Lori
                                                                                         Lecthenberg,  Tammy  Lee, Sandy
                                                                                         Markham, Debbie  Martin, Mark
                                                                                         Mathis, Mike  Miles, Gayl  McClure,
                                                                                         Debra Neeley, Terri  Norris,  Rooin
                                                                                         Payne,  Jill  Pauley,  Rory  Penland,
       Ann  Giebeig, Secretary; Susan  Borst, Vice-president; Rhonda  Dnggers. President; Mrs. Candace   Gaye  Lynn  Revels, Tony
        Hines and  Danny Owens, Advisors.
                                                                                         Richardson, Tracey Saylor, Lisa
                                                                                         Spradley,  Lewis  Stokes, Betsy
                                                                                         Teuscher,  Debbie Thomas,  Dale
                                                                                         Williams,  Lori  Williams, and  Brenda
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