Page 253 - chs-1980
P. 253


                                                                              Future  Farmers  of  America  helps
                                                                            to  train  young  men  who  are  inter-
                                                                            ested  in  the  field  of  agriculture.

                                                                            Members  are  Earl  Alford.  Ronald  Baldwtn  Paul  Bed-
                                                                            enbaugh,  Buddy  Crews,  William  Crews,  R1cky  Clark,  Alan
                                                                            D1cks,  Felic1a  Farr,  Randal  Edenfield,  R1cky  Edenfield,  B1ll
                                                                            Fras1er, Joe  Gnnes,  Gra1n  Curry, John  Hall.  Doug  Hudson,
                                                                            Steve  Hugg1ns,  Donald  Lee,  J1mmy  Marttn,  Tommy  Mart1n.
                                                                            Terry  Mauldtn,  Floyd  Morgan,  Alan  McManus,  Randy
                                                                            McRaw  Bruce Net11es, T1mmy Nettles, T1mmy Owens, Glenn
                                                                            Parnell, Raymond Peeler, R1cky  P1tts, Greg Pope. James Os--
                                                                            burn.  John  Reed,  Ken  Robinson,  Rale1gh  Sistrunk,  Scott
                                                                            Stalvey. T1mmy  Taylor  Ron  Vondevoren. and  Steve  While
                                                                            Off1cers  are  p1ctured  at  left

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