Page 281 - chs-1980
P. 281

Open  24  Hours

                     Congratulations to  the                                     The new
                           Class  of '80

             llFFY JUNCTION                                                   Monoshock

                 FOOD  STORE                                                    Enduros.


                          U.S.  90  West


                                                                      Heres  the  new  m1d-s1zed  Monoshock  Enduro  that
                                                                      was worth the wa1t  The DT125 IS l1ghter and stronger
                                                                      than 1ts predecessors  And 1t features the same Mono-
                                                                      shoe   Suspens1on  developed  on  Yamaha  moto-
                                                                      crossers  Th1s system helps keep the rear wheel, and
                                                                      the power  on the ground where you want 1t  Equally
                                                                      excellent on-road capab1l1t1es  too

                                                                      Smooth nd1ng on the road  sure   ance on the
                                                                      trail  The  Yamaha  DT175 comb1nes motorcross sus-
                                                                      penSIOn  w1th  f1ne  street  machme performance  The
                                                                      De Carbon Monocross Suspens1on system g1ves you
                                                                      more  control  over  rough  terra1n  The  DT175  has  a
                                                                      l1ghter  stronger engme  And a comfortable seat and
                                                                      full  1nstrumentat1on  let  you take  to the d1rt or street
                                                                      w1th  equal ease

                     llFFY ICE                                          YAMAHA  of LAKE CITY,

                                                                                    Joseph   .  Per  on
                 SANDWICHES                                                      1206  outh  Manon  treet

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