Page 160 - chs-1981
P. 160

CHS Varsity  Cheerleaders

                 Top, SuJan Couch; 2nd ro'», Sherri Britt. Ktm Pun is, Crystal Coody; 3rd ro'» , Pam Palmer, Remta Batley, Jana Barker, Debbie ,\urth. Angela Woody.
                 ,\ot pictured, Elizabeth  Whiddon

            The Columbia High  chool Cheerleader  are a great group of girl
          \\ ho  \\Or  harder  than  most  people  might  uspect.  The)  practiced
          ever)da) during the  ummer to prepare for cheerleading camp.  fter
           returning from camp they  had to get ready for all the pep rallie  and
             This )Car·  quad is compo  ed of 4 seniors and 6 juniors. The  eniors
           have memorie  to keep, and the juniors \\ill  hopefully be back again
           next  )Car.  Go  Tigers  ! . . . We  ain't  dumb  and  \\C  ain't  cocky  .. .
           cheering  in  the  park  . .. all  tho e  bus  ride  ...  Homecoming  . . .
           making goodie bag  . .. ne\\ pep suit  .. . Tiger Banquet . . . v re  tling
           ... basketball  . .  try-outs.

                                                                                 Cr)stal Coody, Co-Capt  and Jana  Barker, Capt.

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