Page 167 - chs-1981
P. 167
J. V Cheerleaders
On top. Julie Brown, left to right; &tgh Ann Marttn, capt .. Annette Pratt, Rhonda Gardner, Lisa Herndon, Shalene Bro-..n, Jatme Keene, and Br~nda
Htrndon, co-capt
Eight oph "'lore girl \\ere cho en Ia t pring to
represent H a the J. . cheerleader . They
started pract c. ng r camp right a\\'a). fter camp
the) practiced for the pep rallie and the game .
\t Homecoming they dre . ed up a "Wizard of
OZ character and cheered \\'ith the ar it) quad.
The. e ophomore girl \\ill be triving for a place
on the var it) quad, and we \\'i h them the be t of
I ~tghAnn Marttn. Capt. and Brmda Herndon. Co-capt.