Page 238 - chs-1981
P. 238
As C.H.S. Ticks • • •
Bottom Ro" L to R Da"n Dick . ,\atalte Bishop, Sancy Baildon; 2nd Ro": Lna Shaw, usan Baildon. Carol To,.nsend, ,'\'atalte Knight, Wendr Jrd Ro": CindJ Carnathan, '1.1tke Lange. Debbze Murra~ . u::anne Fields, Rita Saunders, Tern Ferguron, Cind~ Sumner, Laurzt Poet; 4th
Roy,;: Debbze ,\orth, Debbie Simonwn. uzanne Whuler, Rem to Bailey, 5th Ro": Blame ~huler, Angtla Honor, Paul Mears, Ri e Pearson. Thiedra
Advzsor Mrs Anne Dekle f.ditor Laurze Pace