Page 12 - chs-1982
P. 12
Freshmen ... Finally In high school! •.. Our first at
everything .•• Give me o Purple ... Doby Tiger Pep
P.ollies .•. On the bottom, but not for long! •.. Let's go
J.V.I ..• There's always next year for Homecoming .••
Only three more years to go ... Lost Freshmen Tigers!
... Closs Officers: President, Albert Williams; VIce-presi-
dent. Abby Page: Secretory. Susan Couch: and Treosur.
er, Lindo Little.
Sophomores .•. On the bottom ogolnl •.• Hey, J.V .•..
" Would you ike to buy o mum?" ... First In floats! ••.
Movln' up .•. Closs P.lngs •.• Prom servers •.. First
Varsity Pep P.ollles ... Give me o Purple .•. Lost to
come. lost to leave •.• Two down, two to go •.• Closs
Officers: President, Troci Lowrey: Vice-president, Kristy
Duren: Secretory, Undo Little: Treasurer. Sheila Chr stie;
and Liaison Officer. Kim Jackson.