Page 122 - chs-1982
P. 122


                  Standing: Michael Murphy, School  Boord Allorney: Tom  Dovls. Boord  Member; June  Epperson. Boord Member; Silos  Pittman. Superintendent:
                  S.Oted: 1\oger Lillie,  Boord  Member;  Keith  Hudson, Chairman  of the  Boord. Otis  1\oberrs.  Boord  Member.


                                                                                       T  The  Clau  of  '82

                                                                                          C  &ratulattona:  Tbe  Jon  yean  of  prepantioa
                                                                                        ula1nated  in  a  &Iori  Ul  ev  nt •  Y  U  are  JTaduattn  '
                                                                                          Y u  vlll  be  aWJa&  the  leaden  f  town·row'a   rld.   t  a
                                                                                       prt  el•••  prtvih  e   Yet   th  every  prtvU  e  t   re  h  a  orrea
                                                                                       pond in&  weight  of  reaponetbtlt ty   Ve   f  de  e  that  you
                                                                                       vtll  be  •   e .. ful  In  lite  and  u   thia   rld  a  better  pla  e
                                                                                       t   Jive.
                                                                                          A   le  nev  world  of  opport W'!ity  nov  at ret  he a  be for  you
                                                                                       Jt  vtll  be  both  Mlhnetn  and  uvardtna.  Ltv  ltfa  to  the
                                                                                       fulleat   d  make  every  day   rthv  ile
                                                                                                    y  yo  r  future  be  happlneu  and  your  life  a
                                                                                       1\IC  ••••

                                                                                                            Onld  Ellh

                                        Principal  David  Ellis

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