Page 99 - chs-1982
P. 99
Front Row: Krlsty Duren, Lindo Little, Abby Page, Sherr/ P.oulerson. Janelle Fike, Troci Lowrey. Alison Fluellen, Kim Purvis. Sheri Britt. and
Susan Couch Back Row: Lloyd Peterson. Jody Porter. Albert Will/oms. Jim Duncan. Dole Croy, Buddy Whitesell. DeShazo Wilkerson. Brion
Schrieber, and David Nelson. Ne/o WJ/1/omson. not pictured.
Each year twenty outstanding members of the Senior class are selected for Who's Who. Nominated by the faculty and voted on by the
Senior Class. these twenty Seniors represent the Class of '82.