Page 119 - chs-1983
P. 119



                       ss  CHS  1982  - Andrea  Powe

                                                                  She  Britt.  Miss  CHS  1981.  crowns  he  new Mss  CHS.  Andrea  Powe

                                                                     Apnl 2.  1982 was the date for  he
                                                                 crown1ng  of  the  new Miss  CHS.  Each
                                                                 g1rl  was  judged  on  se ect1on  of  and
                                                                 appearance  n sportswear and even-
                                                                 ing gown. Teacher evaluation.  ta ent
                                                                 and  poise  were  also  the  cnteria  for
                                                                   Presentation  of  ta en   was  the
                                                                 high ight  of  he  contest.  When  t  e
                                                                 judges  had  made  the1r  dec•s•on.
                                                                 Andrea Po we I was crowned Miss CHS
                                                                 for  1982-83.  The  five  finalists  were
                                                                 Rhonda  Morrell  -   f1rst  runner-up,
                                                                 Amanda  Glenn  - second  runner-up.
                                                                 Pam  Hadley  - third  runner-up.  and
                                                                 Susan Ferguson- fourth runner-up. The
                                                                 contestants  chose  Denise  Mi11gan  as
                    Miss  Congenia 1ty  - Del'liSe   on          Miss  Congeniality.

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