Page 130 - chs-1983
P. 130
Voice of Democracy
A..W...m . ..
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The Voice of Democracy is a
a ional Broadcast Scriptwriting
Scholarship Program sponsored by the
Veterans of Foretgn Wars and their
Ladies Auxiliary a1ong with he cooper-
a on of he ationa States Associa-
ion of Broadcas ers. Thts contest is
designed to gtve studen s the op-
por uni y to voice the r op nions on a
spectfic heme. This year there were
approximately twenty par icipants
who wro e o the theme of " Youth-
America's S reng h".
pte 1 Andrea Powe • Hetdl Wetffenbach. and
John Raymo er, e t ee f no s s of he
con es pte 2 Andrea Powe receiVed f s
place pte 3 Heid Wettfenbach placed n
second pte 4 John Raymo er placed thard