Page 137 - chs-1983
P. 137
"Good morn.ngl W1 you please stand and JOin
me w1 h the pedge?" Rob1n Hood st lives
What's wrong w1th weanng a suit and tenn1s Wanna go to Sk1p's? I wan some M & M's
shOes? Hark eroad's Pet Hello. 1s my kttle Elane and Jennifer. don't slam my car door I
p K hOme? You know I wou d VER snea Ham and sw1ss on two You Weeney Head
a sophomore off campus I just can't call you. litt e blue Datsun . Oh. Doo. did anyone
Conne. It's long d1stance Let's go to bnng any calendars? Anyone do the
Pensacola Yes. I brbed everyone so they'd reading I'm goma fa Watch out for the
elect me as Student CouncH President I triCky corner Get orgarllled. Jernfer Capt an Cave Mr Crad e Loves hem
protest, I was ypecast Mr EUis. may we What did you earn at work today. Ela e Wendy's . Wrest er He's a knockout
hOve another dance? Of course. I have Let's go see Lance! . Have you seen my Get Tough The Cougar I Go for It I Tr
classes just e every one else - when I go to brother David? I want a Whopper Jr nter Ted he di()Qsour A the way o
them! Than you and y'a have a n.ce dayl Want some new temiS shoes? Anyone have state David. the Jun Yard Dog My
umber? Wa • I never ptcked one haw Mrs Gause's old test? Le1gh Ame. Bo brother DaVId "B" #42 Bruce
abOUt 17 or 83 or Robert Lee Le1g Anne Mart # 21 Foster
Director . go the the Ma ? The
'Stong .. Te me abou 1tl. Po y Pa10ce
ick-man . . Le 's go to Jasper Clic -
IC'l -whoosh! Her name's no "Red" You
now 'bou them out-of-town guys . Happy
New Yearl . Miss CHS (Da-da-daal) We.
Angela. who are we ai<Ing o he prom?
I'D dnve "Hang Fre" . Cru•s1n' IC'l a bloc
imo . . And a I tho nose Camara? Who
Camara? Loa a me. I'm Sandra Dee
MissiOn AA69 . Cook e dough for diC'lner
Let's cruise . Andrea Powe # 26