Page 180 - chs-1983
P. 180
Beta Club
(front row) Kathy WeM. W'ndy Kemp. Joni Ekxnette, Jennifer Brown. leigh Ann Martn. Kim Workman. Donna Green. Angela McColskey,
Jeff Plummer. and Andrea Powe . (second row) Fred Buc • Agnes David. Luronda Sm h. Carole Thompson. Sooni Knudson. Debbie
Thomes. nst1 S pper, Brenda Robarts. L1so Herndon. Jeff Yager. and Teresa WilmOth. (th1rd row) lise Lew1s. Mary Epps. Lori Holton,
Lauren Wtw ley, Laurie Ban ston. Sondra Varner. Ana Albury. Pat Kennedy, Tom Glenn. Betsy Benef~ed. Chnt Pollit, and Ph Appenzeller
(last row) e Lee, Terry Sculley. RIC y Trowe . Gory Dona. Nancy etson. Robert lee. P p Bradbaurne. Aprl Broo s. and Brad
Beta Club is not only an honors club.
but also a service club. It is the sponsor
of the JUnior -sentor powderpuff garpe
in which proceeds go to the Christmas
party that the club gives for the
underpnvtleged children of Columbia
County. Beta Club is also the sponsor
of the Miss CHS Pageant. In addition
to these activities. Beta members also
attend district meetings twice during
the school year and the state
convention at the end of the year. In
order to participate in Beta Club.
sentors must have a 3 2 grade-po nt
average, whereas juntors must have a
3 4 grade-point average and so-
phomores a 3 6.
Mrs Gause. Beta Club's sponsol'.