Page 257 - chs-1983
P. 257
In Review
1. Coud Kell Weddle be th1n 1ng
of a ·Prince Charm1ng"? 2.
Tammy Young. Joy Dohrn. Angie
Gaskins. and Steve Morns party
at the pep rally. 3. ·Missy. are
you the new Mss Maui?"- Missy
lmm and Ana Albury. 4. Loo s as
though Ms. Snipes has her hand
in the cooke jar. 5. Kerry Miller
has just invented a new space-
aged game - cosmic peas. 6
PU Kill Ana Albury. Dan Bar-
ringer. Missy lmm. and Jenn1fer
Brown. 7. One who can endure
pa1nl Ruby Bedenbaugh. 8.
Agnes David looks as though she
might have "amnesia". 9. Looks
as though T ami has about got
you wh1pped. AI en - Tami
Mathews and Alen Bnn ley. 10.
Le 's show our stuff! - S1ta
Swamy Agnes David. and Heid
We1ffenbach 11 . Gag me with
a spoon! - Jenn1fer Brown.