Page 5 - chs-1983
P. 5

~ahe a  ;ourne~  info  fhe  corner~  o/ ~our

                         mind  fo  where  fhaf  frunh/ul o/ memorie~ await~

                         ~our  affenfion.  Unloch  if                      Open  fhe  /id

                                 ofooh  in~ide.  Whaf  frea~ure~  do  ~ou


                                       _,.4  Juga,.  packet  .  .  .  a  Ioken  o/ fhaf  /oue/'1  dinnel'
                                fhe  fwo  o/  IJOU  Jhal'ed  On  f"Om  nighf.

                                       newJpapel'  cli.ppingJ  /l'om  fhoJe  /oolball  gameJ  -
                                fhe  uicfo,.ieJ  aJ  we//  aJ  lhe  de/eafJ.
                                       _,.4  hand/ul  o/ con/elli  and  an  old  Jhake,.  f,.om
                                fhaf  laJI  homecoming.

                                       Piclul'eJ  o/ 'lou  and  IJOUI'  f,.iendJ  clowning  al'ound
                                on  fhe  weekendJ.
                                       Ca,.dJ  and  l.ffe,.J  f,.om  fhoJe  Jpecia/  peopl.  fhal
                                IJOU  al'e  c/oJe  fo.

                                       _,.4  p~'og,.am  f,.om  fhe  Jenio,.  claJJ  p/a'l  fhaf  'lou
                                and  IJOUI'  /l'iendJ  altended.
                                       Stu//ed animal,  fee  Jhi,.fJ,  and ofhe,.  knick  knackJ

                                IJOU  gof  dul'ing  q,.ad  nighf.
                                       Youl'  cap  and  laJJ/.  alongJide  IJOUI'  diploma.

                                   Your  own  collection  o/ privafe  memorie~

                         fo  recapfu1·2  af  fhe  furn  o/ !he  he~                     or  fhe

                         furn  o/  !he  page
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