Page 67 - chs-1983
P. 67

pic.  1. Brenda Carter IS  co ching up on world
                                                                           head  es  pte  2.  Rodney   JQOn.  George
                                                                           Duncan, and Steve Co  er clown around  pte
                                                                           3.   he e .  you  could  get twen y  years  for
                                                                           tho I- Mche e  Graves and Kevn Carpen er.
                                                                           pte. 4  The junior closs has plenty of sptnt  pte
                                                                           5. Tna  W  tams. Ronf\le  Harrngton.  and  Dee
                                                                           Dee  Harrngton  share  a  close  fr endsh1p

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