Page 89 - chs-1983
P. 89

Columbia  High  Principal


                                               David  El is.  PnrlCipol  - Columoo  High  School

                                                                      Super  Seniors  of  1983.  I ex end  my  bes  wishes  You
       Dean of Students                                           have made an ou standing con ribu ton  o your h1g  school.
                                                                  leaving  many  p easan  memones
                                                                      Give  everyth1ng  you  have  o  achieve  exce ence
                                                                  There  1s  excellence tn  every phase  of life. Do  no  accep
                                                                  mediocri y  or  any  part  of  jus  be1ng  average.
                                                                      I  wtsh  you  he  bes   ha  hfe  can  offer  and  may
                                                                  happ1ness  be  your  cons an  compan1on.

                                                                                       Your  Fnend.

                                                                                        DavJd  Ellis

                            Dean  W  10   Orr

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