Page 114 - chs-1984
P. 114
Key Club
Row I: George Duncan, teve tafford, Kevin Car~nter, teve Lynch, Rhonda Morre I. teve Feldt, Dary argent, Glenn Hancoc
Row 2. Chn Bullard Ru ty Baile} colt ameth, Rodney !'vf1 gan Ira Hall, Dan !'vforan, Bruce F e Row 3 1cky Hathorn, Enc tewart,
Mi e Lee, Thoma !'vfcDonald, colt darm, Boddy Rowe, Dewayne Donald n Row 4. Ricky Trowell, Bnan Caley, Joey Cumming , Wayne
Holhday, Mr. Perry tandmg Chuc Moore and Matt Kelly
Key Club Officer · teve Lynch, Prel.ident;
Rhonda !'vforrell, Sweetheart; teve Feldt,
gt.-at- rm Row 2. teve tafford, ice-
prel.Jdent; colt • ameth, ecretary, and Kevm
Car~nter, Trea urer.