Page 166 - chs-1984
P. 166
Varsity Cheerleaders
The ' 3- 4 var ity Cheerleader began preparing
for the up ommg ea.on after tryouts \\hich \\ere held
in pril of 19 3.
Cheer and chants \\ere practi ed for mctn) hour~
during the ummer. But all the hard \\Ork ~.:emed
\\Orth\\hile a the girl recei\ed the Grand hampion
Trophy \\hen they competed again. t other \ar ity quads.
They al o received ribbons and the spint frisbee for
having the mo t pirit.
fter they returned from camp, the \\Ork really
began. Preparation for the pep rallies, pampering the
football player , painting ign , and preparing for the
Homecoming activitie all eemed to fall in line. After
football ea on the \\Ork continued. They then began
learmng cheer for ba etball and \He tling.
Bemg a var It)' Cheerleader \\a a lot of hard \\Ork,
but all the fun and excitement made t \\Orth\\hile.
Front. Amanda Glenn Row One • T k1ta William , Kathy im Tracy Holling ~orth,
\llachon Robert , Ktm Herndon Row Two - B rbra t~ d u n fergu on Top. elli
Col on. ot pictured, \~!eli a Wright
Miss 'ancy Hunter, Var ity Cheerleader ponsor