Page 100 - chs-1985
P. 100

Student  Council

                                   Su an  Lewi  ,  Liaison  Officer;  Jeff  earcy,  ergeant-at-Arm  ;  Barbie  Kemp,  Parliamentarian   tacie
                                On ko  Trea  urer;  Bar bra  Atwood,   ecretary  C ndy  Clemen  ,  Vice-president;  and  Ruthie  Thoma  ,

                         Student  Council  Representatives  - Row  I  -  icky  Hathorn, Advisor  Patti  Goodson,  Jeff  earcy,  u an  Lew•  , Stacie  Oriska,  Cindy
                      Clements,  Ruthie  Thomas,  Advisor  Ann  Foster,   ancy  Kazmier  ki,  Row  2  - Mi  y  Chasteen,  Beth  Bouchelle,  Mary  Ann  Ellzey,  Julie
                      Perry, Tonnja  Milligan,  Ernest Smith, Scott  'ameth,  Kay  Dresner - Row  3 - Will  Beardsley,  Libby  Brown,  Marla  Hall,  Angela Smith,
                      Katrina Rivers,  Pauline Magyan, Tanya  Foreman, Sherri  Dillard, Tyra  Hillis,  Karen  Cooper  Sandra Claridy - Row  4 - Kathenne Mock,
                      Scott  Thoma  ,  Lisa  Workman,  Kelh  Holhng  worth,  Vicki  Cou  ina,  Deanna  Williams  - Row  5 - Jane  Land,  Michelle  Eric   n,  heila
                      Shaw,  Alexi  Pittman,  Annette  Ogden,  Stephanie   ettles,  and  Jennifer  Gray.
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