Page 207 - chs-1985
P. 207

To  the  Cia    of  '  5:

                                   Congratulation  ,  enior  ,  upon  the  ucce  ful  comple-
                               tion  of  the  mo  t  important  pha  e  in  your  preparatiOn  for
                               the  future.
                                   A  you  leave  Columbia  High  chool,  hopefully,  you
                               take  with  you  the  abilit    to   uccecd,  the  academic
                               knowledge  for  the  foundation  of  }OUr  life,  the  oc1al
                               adJU  tment, emotional  tabilit  , re  pon  ibility and  matunty
                               to  reach  the  goal  that  you  et  for  your  elve  .
                                    We  hope  you  find  happme     a  you  earch  for  your
                                    Wi  hing  you  the  be  t  life  ha  to  offer  and  thanking
                               each  of  you  for  being  a  part  of  Columbia  High  chool.

                                                            Re  pectfully,

                                                            David  Elh
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