Page 252 - chs-1985
P. 252

Editor  of  the  19  5  Columbian,  I  hope  you  enjoy  our  "vI IOns  of  '85"  a  much  a  I  have  enjoyed  putti
      them  together.  I  hope  that  In  year  to  come  you  \Viii  look  back  on  your  high  chool  year ·  a  the  be  t  year  of ym
               the  year  ha  pa  ed,  my  taff  and  I  have  encountered  many  problem  ,  but  with  the  help  of  Anne  Dekl
      we  have  conquered  all  of  them.
      word  of thank  to  the  Lake  Cit}  Reporter  for  many  of the  port  picture  .  1 would  al  o  like  to  tha
      my  friend  ,  parent  ,  and  teacher  for  all  of  their  ·upport.
           A  pecial  word  of thank  to  te  e    el  on  for  the  many  hours  he  and  1  pent  m  the  morning  and  after  cho
      to  make  thi  boo  po  ble.     1 o  to  John  Boneck,  Mr  David  Ellis,  and  the  CH    Faculty  - thank  you!
           I  hope  you  \\'ill  all  cheri  h  thi  book  and  re-live  the  good  time  of your  high  chool  year  while  leafing  thro
      the  page  Good  luck  to  you  al

                                                                                                            Li  a  Chasteen

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