Page 56 - chs-1986
P. 56

Don't ask  howl got  up here   Let's go  to Jack  onv1lle, Oh no  Georg1al
            .. look out  Cahlorma  .   TB, let's go out,  1f  l can  g  t  HIS  p  rmls  1on
            Are you  hstenmg  to me? We  can't!   Don't even thmk  about 111   l don't
            know what to do LD · agam   Hey Brol   .  ounds hke a  personal one to
            me  .  Lov  Ya' Buzzy   It's been real  .  How do !get down?
            app ;09
            Hey girlie   . Bump Bump' Bump!  They were only treesl S.D., K.D
           Tanya and  hannon. mv beams aren't on  brtght1   Rahl  Rah!  Captam  .
           Hang m there Ms.  Hunter,  we  love  yal  .   Gator, do you  have any  RAID?
             . Carl, aren't  we  p1llful?   Chns, let's go to  the  beach'   How about m
           the  Lincoln?   . Bright light  1   Remember tho  e  nights? S.D ,  K.C, C C,
           C.O   . Shannon, where's my zeros  copy of M1ke?  .  Lii'Doyle and Torta
               o  Doyle,  you  k1s  ed  me  f1rstl  .  Tanya,  l  swear  they'll  grown'
           Shannon, d1d you stop at that red llght?   K1m,  don't you sue me when you're
           53' . .  Dem'  eggs  be  gettm'  o  knappy  .  Jordache,  where's  my  M1ckey
           Mouse  h1rt?  .  . Dann and Pa1ge,  remember those beach trips? She's Fresh!
              Cru1sm'  ~Nith the  Judds' S.D ,  K.M. . .  My  httle  CUMS!  S.H., LH
           Please no sweaters" I'll sweat to death 1 •   Gator don't play In  the m1ddle of
                   1        1
           the h1ghway  Paranola S.H  .   Dann, you're a great friend .   Mom and
           Dad  .   M   M   Ree-Cee   I'll  m1ss  th1s  place!   .  G1gglel  Giggle'
           Bye'  Byel  . .  Theresa  lmm  ;2

             "COKAMO"  •  3  year Tiger .  . One of Coach C's boys   K1m,  when you  gonna  wash  my  truckr
               Well  M1tch,  let's  vote'em  m"   Ag  Prexlll  .  B.K.  will  you  do  my  homework?   Lon Ann.
             Mark my word!   Everybody's Buddy .   1le, how 'bout Hank Jr. .   Ole Blue, yea, that's my truck
               M1tch,  let's go to Branford ..   B, P.W.,  R W., let's nde the flags.   Emy,  where's your  flag?
            .. .  M B , let's give  D D  a  hower   .  E.E, let's go  muddm'   I hate Algebra  .   Wai-Mart  bound
            . .  loves to hunt   . DR, E.E, how 'bout that 400 lb. club   S  '87 and under, enJOY  1111.  . R W,
              B  E.  ,  PM, are you  P.W..   PM, B.D, C.M, l•re  It  up  .  Enc and Ke1th,  how  bout  that  ..
            T1ger Football team IS gomg to love them two a <fay   B M  party at the cabm  .  E.B  let's go sqUirrel
            huntmg .   What's up?   K1m's  sweetheart??   . Columb1a  High,  It's been real  .  Mom  and Dad,  Hey, babyl   .  Let  me  tell  you about sharks   . Some of us here
            th1s  one's lor you   ;62, N60  .  Jerry Coker                       owe money   K.C., AD ,I have bashaspla  haphobfal ..  Slightly!
                                                                                  . My hatr's too long .  . Yes, I dated a  ophomore  . . E-Ph1 Prez
                                                                                 .  . Gonna be a TSU TroJan . .  Bag lady .   One era  h too many
                                                                                   Kathanne,  that  potted plant  IS  TOO cute I   That's Iunny!  .
                                                                                 . .  Kathi.   he  really  shy??  .  C'MON  . .  S.R • B.E.,  l do tool!
                                                                                   2,000 guys and me  •. Poo   . Lisa, can l cry?   . I'm serious,
                                                                                 Lmda, JUSt  plam Lesley will doll .  . I'm a fish I!   • Tanya, you call
                                                                                 them  . . l hke  my gum  stuck here  Don't touch it!   CHS Diver
                                                                                 .  l  know  l spaz out  .. S.A ,  K C.,  Golden,  Colorado  boys  .
                                                                                Don't lie  to your parents, you  get put on  restricllon   Bryan G,
                                                                                don't  break  my  tapes   .  l dry  rose  petals  . .  M C.,  bunny  hair
                                                                                   M1ss  Mega-Personality   . Els1e  Freaklly .  .  Le  ley J  Ogden
                                                                                #  9
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