Page 145 - chs-1987
P. 145

Coaching Staff

            The Columbia  High  football  coaching  taff include  : Billy  Hale  . offen  ive coordinator and  backfield:  Kenny  Burt,
            tight end  and off  en  ive line; Joe l\.1ontgomery, head coach; L.C. Bradley, wide receiver  :Jim  unnelec, off en  ive line;
            Raymond  orner, defen  ivc end   tcvc Chamberlin, dcfcn  ivc line   p Wolf, dcfcn  ivc coordinator  and linebacker  :
            Allen  Beene, dcfcn  ivc  end  and  we ght  program:  and  Randy  Rcgi  ter,  dcfcn  ivc  ccondary.

                                                                                   Head  Coach  Joe  Montgomery

                                                            olumbia High had a ne\\  et of face  on the football coaching  taff thi
                                                         year.  Head  Coach  Joe   ontgomcry  brought  in  a  \\hole  ne\\  group  of
                                                         a  i tant  to aid  him  in  coaching.  mong  tho  cue  kip  Wolf.  Raymond
                                                          orncr. and  lien  Beene on  the defen  ivc  ide.  Jim  unnelcc and  cnny
                                                         Burt worked on  the offcn  c. Tho c \\hO \\Crc already  on  the  taff included
                                                         Rand}  Regi  ter and  tcve  hamberlin, veteran  coachc  on  defcn  c,  and
                                                         L.   Bradley and  Billy  Hale, offen  e coache  .

           oache     unnelee  and  Bradley confer.
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