Page 160 - chs-1987
P. 160
Row 1 David William , John McDonald, Jay Ander on, Vance Cox Row 2
Guy Me er, Johnny Perry, Oti Thomp on, Chri Terry, Clinton ewton, Doug
David- 3- Coach Donnie Harri on, David Morgan, .L. McCall, Bubba or-
ton, Marc Kazmier ki, Greg und, Eric Lar en, and Mat Girl Dana Jack on. ot
pictured are Craig Carnie!, cott Davi , Matt Grubb, and Mat Girl Lara tin on
and Lisa Scott.
Seniors: Row 1 Oti Thomp on, John McDonald Row 2
Doug David, Bubba orton, and Clinton ewton. eniors not
pictured are Craig Carnie! and cott Davis