Page 192 - chs-1987
P. 192
Cooperative Business Education
ooperative Bu ine
ducation i a co-op pro-
gram at olumbia High
chool where tudent earn
while they learn! tudent
attend cia e in the morning
(from 7:15 a.m. to 12:05
p.m.) and work in an office
in the afternoon . It i a co-
operative effort between
hool, tudent, and commu-
During chool, tudent
take required ubject l t,
2nd, and 3rd period ; during
early bird cia and 4th peri-
od cia tudent are enrolled
in CB cour e : Bu ine
ommunication and Cleri-
cal Office Practice. Topic
covered include typing, bu i-
ne engli h, office proce-
dure , pelling, bu ine
math, calculator , job inter-
Officer eated Gma a h, Mone:y Ma ing Chairman: Terri ox, ecretary: Tern L:ynch,
view, human relation , word Parliamentartan, tandmg Julie John on, Trea ·urer: ichelle rick. on, 1ce-Pre .; and atalie
proce ing, and filing. our Kerlig, Pre .
credit are earned during the
year for CBE.
tudent are graded for
their on-the-job perfor-
mance each ix week grad-
ing period by their upervi-
or. Thi grade i recorded
on the tudent report card .
CBE activitie during the
) ear include money-making
project , CBE employer ap-
preciation banquet in May,
early-bird breakfa t at the
end of the }ear, participation
in FBLA di trict competi-
tion, and other activitie .
Row I \1ichelle rtc on, Jackie Buiey, Deana William , nita Thoma , herrie Birchard, Gail
Terry, harlene hallgrove Row 2 Tammy rmstrong, ngie Me all, Deanne Dar t, Kathy
Pearce, Tam1 Ch1ld , Jennifer Kmght, Wendy Reeve Row 3- Paulette nder on, haron urr.,
Julie John on, Tern Cox, Gm a h, Terri Lynch