Page 313 - chs-1987
P. 313


                              600  EAST  BAYA  AVE.

                                    LAKE  CITY,  FLA.

                         Congratulation  to  the  enzor  Cia  s of 1987!

                   herri  Hadley  Larramore               athy  Pearce                 hem  mtth
                  Melodye  Me  ue                        hella  haw                   \1ark Terry
                   tan  Palmer                          Lt  a  mtth                   Margie  V illiam

                                          Support  Our Patron

          Mr.  and  Mr   M.  Joye             Rodney    Bobbte  Dudgeon          Mr.  and  Mr  . Car on  Brittain

           teve  Daniel  on                   Roy  Ward                          Keith,   ancy  &  Jo  hua  fcCray

          Looney  Balloon                       ni  pa                           Mr.  and  Mr  .  Michael  Puerner

          American  uto  Part                 Poppy'
                                                                                 Don,  Dorothy,  Kelly  &  Bruce  pradley
          Kiddie  Land  Day   ur ery          Greyhound                          Lou  and  Glenda  Huggin

          Bud   pen  htp  on  truction         -1  Inn                           Mr.  and  Mr  .  .  V .  William

          American  Auto Part                 Credit Thrift
                                                                                 Thoma  &  andra  Cra\.\ford
          Pet Paradi  e                        tardu  t  Motel                   E  telle  &  On  Cone

          Jo e  J  Goyenechea  MD  P          Recovery  Room                     Martin     haron  Proveau

         Jo e  J  Goyenechea  MD  P                                              Julian  \1cCranie-AII  tate

           red  Perry Quality  on  tructton   Don  ha\.\                         Car on  &  Dtann  Wallace

          Dale   Harley  Water                Dr  Wayne  Hammon                  Bennett  nterpn  e

           ew  Image   ni  pa                 Water  y  tern   nlimited

         George    Pam  Knighton                                       linic
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