Page 182 - chs-1988
P. 182
Cooperative Business Education
Cooperative Business Educa-
t 1on IS a Co op Program at Colum·
bia High where students earn
while the learn. Students attend
classes 1n the morning from 7d5
a.m. until 1.2 00 and then work 1n
offices in the afternoons. CBE 1s a
cooperative effort between the
school. the students, and the
communit .
Officers: Jennifer Louise Kn1ght, President; Leslie Ward, first- emester
Secretar ; Michelle Herlong, Treasurer; K1m Charles. Parliamentarian.
ot pictured aye Coates. second-seme ter Secretary and LeAnn Mur·
ray. Vice-president
Michelle Loston Row I Tracy Arth, Emma Feagle, Tonyia Reed, Glenda W111iams, Jana
Young Row .2 Jennifer Louise night. Marlea DeRosia, Leslie Beckman.
Leslie Ward. Kay Coates. Michelle Herlong. Kim Charles. Michelle Lo ton.
and CBE Coordinator Ms. Linda Moses.
178 Clubs