Page 188 - chs-1988
P. 188
Art Club
Row 1-Jim Karantmos, Shannon Poplin, Kelh Cunnmgham, Steve Moore, Amy Jones, Adnene ettles,
Ant1a Ogden- Row 2 And D1cks, Shell O'Steen, Mellanie Hillified, Ashle Land, Jennifer Hines,
Leesa Kahhch, Wllhe Turpin Row 3 Chnst1 Mannmg, Jason Ellze , Olivia Manning, Andrew Harlow,
Joel Ba le , Joe Knapp Row 4 Stefan1e Green, Juhe L1pthrott. and Heather Kunnemann
Art Club's purpose is to inspire students to appreciate art. To
become a member of Art Club, a student must be enrolled in or alread
have a credit in art. The student must also demonstrate talent and
have an mterest in art.
Club activities mclude f1eld tnps to museums and the state fa1r art
Each year the club has a booth sponsored b the Columbia County
Bank at the Columbia County Fa1r. For the past few years. Art Club's
booth has won a blue ribbon.
Club members partiCipate 1n the Sprmg Art Exh1b1t and the Craft
Show at the Mall. Members also part1c1pate 1n the painting of the
murals in the CHS Commons. More murals will be painted during the
school year.
Sponsors are Danny Owens and Candace Hines.
Art Club Officers Row I Shannon Poplin, President, Kellie
Cunnmgham, V1ce president; Steve Moore, Treasurer-
Row 2 Olivia Mannmg, Secret ry; and Heather Kunne·
mann Sergeant at-Arms
184 Clubs