Page 219 - chs-1988
P. 219

Dance  Club

                                                          Candy Starling, Dequita S1mmons,  Marcia  Pennington, Sarah  Moore,
                                                          Brenda  Johns.  and Shannon  Poplin

     Off1cers  G1gi  W1tt,  Sergeant-at-Arms,  Staci  Haygood,
     Treasurer,  Jenn1fer  Plummer,  President,  Shannon  Poplin.
     Vice·presidenh and  Pam  Fisher, Secretary

                                                                                     Mrs.  Debra  Wnght, Sponsor

     Row  I  Candy Starling  Row  1  April  Love, Shannon Poplin, Jenny Dudgeon,
     Abby Bankston.  1m Parnell  Row  3  Stac  Hines, Jennifer Smith  , Gigi Witt.
     Erm Case, Te1sha  abinger. Courtne  Waldron  Row 4- Lelgh Swisher, Jenni-
     fer  Jackson,  Vicki  Skmner.  Patti  Jo  Hale  • and  Jennifer Plummer

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