Page 122 - chs-1989
P. 122
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The olumbia coaching taff and It wa in thi game that Colum-
Tiger football team proved to be a bia attained their greate t total
winning combination thi ea on. yard ; 495 to b exact.
A the Tiger ro. e to become Di - The Tiger e emplified their tal-
trict 3-AAAAA hamp , they con- ent throughout the ea on. The of-
tinued their winning treak to peak fen e did e pecially well in the Or-
a Regional hampion . Had the ange Park match-up by coring
level of communication between twenty-eight point in one quarter.
the e two very important a pect of They were al o able to core i ty
Lake City' football program not four total point again t Forre t.
been a great, perhap they would The defen e howed equal effort
not have achieved our 9-3 ea on by preventing many of our oppo-
record. nent from either coring at all, or
Although the Tiger lo t their coring very little. They al o man-
bid to travel to tate to the number aged to hold off Jack on for fewe t
one team in the nation, they yard allowed, which wa a meager
acheived a tatu that any high eighty-nine yard , in a football
chool team would be proud of. game.
They were al o the only team in Each of the e component of a
Di trict 3 to remain undefeated in football team; the offen. e, the de-
their di trict game . fen e, and the coaching taff, ha
With the continual upport of given Lake City a team which they
the Tiger coache , and out tanding can be proud of. We only hop thi
p rformance by all player , the Ti- excellence will et a precedent for
ger went on to beat Lake Brantley future team to follow.
in the Regional Pla_ ·off .