Page 146 - chs-1989
P. 146

Well, it wa  a  good year for the J.V., but
               not  o  good for the var  ity. The var  ity
               a  a  young team at the beginning of the
                     ea  on. They had two  ophomore
               tarter  , along with one Junior and only
             two  enior  . With  o few  enior  leaving,
             they  hould have a terrific team ne  t year.
                With the addition of the J.V. team, the
             next sea  on'  var  ity team  hould be hard
                   to beat. If only the  tudent  here at
                   Columbia High would come out and
                upport u  , we could have a  great team;
             but with only twenty people at mo  t of the
                game  , it'  hard for the player  to get
              enthu  ed. With more st  dent  upport, the
               Tiger  could  oon be back to greatne
                and there'  no tellin  where thi  team
                                          could go.
                                by Tomm  Horn  by

                                                      Front row  1-r:  Travi   haw,  Chri  Hinkley,  Tommy  Horn  by,  Freddie  Luca  ,
                                                      William  ,  Tyrone  Taylor.  Back  row  1-r:  Chuck  Edward  ,  Archie  William  ,  Albert
                                                      Cartwright, Lawrence Rentz, Terry LeGree, Eric Yate  ,  hawn LeGree, Ben  kipper .
                                                      •  ot pictured: Danny  tor  e  and  tichael Cooper.

                                 Tiger defense in action.                                 Ben  kipper  hoot  over the defen  e.

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