Page 192 - chs-1989
P. 192
Li a Perry, Deni e Bandemer, tacy donovich, Vicky Tomlin, Ke haD nd , ha wnda 'lonroe Deidr Dero ia. Row 2:
Tara Bradtmueller, Melaine Parker, Tracy alzer, Brooke Bullard, Dean Deal, Pam George, el on Ro , Lavita
Thomp on, Leron Pate, haun Grubb, 'like Harlow, Li a 'lcLean, Jame ~'loore, and Eve Lynn Willi .
OFFICER :Tracy alzer, Vice-Pre ident; haun Grubb, gt-at-Arm ; Brooke Bullard, Pre ident; Alex Power , Trea-
urer; and Pam George, ecretary.
The Future Bu ine Leader of America. The. e young econom1 ts ere the future hope of keeping u out of debt! Traveling through the
busine world, their option and capabilitie are endle pon or i Bu ine Teacher Leila Evan .