Page 248 - chs-1989
P. 248
Laura hane pivey
enior '89
Well, Petunia, look like we've
made it (and we really mean we!).
the three of u have pa ed 7th
grade cience, 9th grade Algebra,
Mr . Lane' 11th grade Engli h thi pecial time in your life. We
and oh, yes, Coach Wolf P .E. can hardly imagine life at our
cla e ! We've been writing and hou e without you around.
giving tudent Council campaign Thank for all the excitement
peeches ince 4th grade at Mel- you've brought to our live and we
ro e a you have been o very active look forward to great thing for
in the running of the variou you. Remember: It' out there if
chool you've attended. you want it bad enough - Go For
You've brought u much joy and It!!
pleasure from your birth through
Congratulation !
We Love You!
Mama & Daddy