Page 101 - chs-1990
P. 101

Driving  a  tractor  is  a  skill  most  FFA
                                               members have mastered. This knowl-
                                               edge will be helpful in the " long haul. "

                                                                                       CHAOS members attend an impor-
                                                                                      tant  meeting.  Tim  Mixon,  already
                                                                                       craving  that  " wonderful"  lunch-
                                                                                       room  food, eyeballs  a yeast  roll.

                                                                                       FFA officers pose for the  picture.
                                                                                       FFA is serious business for these
                                                                                       club  members.

                                                                                       Our "Brain Bowl" participants did
                                                                                       very well at competition this year.
                                                                                       Here, an award winner receives his
                                                                                       prize  for  excellence.

                                                                                         Student  clubs  and  organiza-
                                                                                       tions  play  an  important  role  in
                                                  JROTC  members  stand  for           adolescent  development.  Many
                                                  a drill. They learn many im-         meetings are held during the day
                                                  portant  leadership  skills          or  after  school.  Community  in-
                                                  with  these  exercises.
                                                                                       volvement and student participa-
                                                                                       tion  are  goals  for  the  clubs  on

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