Page 94 - chs-1990
P. 94
Amanda Petty
Brad Pettyjohn
Tamara Phillips
Brenda Pierce
Cathy Pierce
Shannon P1ttman
Jay Poole
Matt Poppell
Matt Powers
Allen Pndgen
Menno Prine
Debbie Proveaux
Vanessa Pursley
Paul Ratl1ff
Tammy Ratliff
Chris Raulerson Love, Peace, and Happiness is what Moira Ma-
honey expressed during 60's day.
Rena Rawls
Timothy Reed
Robert Reeves
Heather Register
Makeba Rentz
James Revels
Jamie Rhea
Rita Rhea
Travis Richards
Edward Richerson
David Ridings
Jonathan Ritch
Mike Ritchery
Bridget Rivers
Becky Robbms
Nicole Roberts
John Robertson
Matthew Robertson
Jeff Rodgers
Michele Rogers
Brian Romme
Chris Rowe
Bo Royals
Shane Russell
Scott Samara
BJ Sanders
Cara Sanders
Enthusiasm is what makes a pep rally. The sophomore class
put up a fight for the spirit frisbee.
90 CLASS OF '92