Page 132 - chs-1991
P. 132
RIGHT: Coach Owens explains the element of art
to the smiling, Travis Brown.
BELOW In Mrs. Hines' art class. Amanda Regis-
ter, and other get fir t hand learning on making
ceramic pottery.
Anne Dekle, English
Elaine Denmark, Clerk, Typist
Tom Dorsett, Administration
Wayne Duke, Voc. Industrial
Kim Eason, Math
Victoria Ellis, Guidance
John Evans, Social Studies
Martha Falzone, Guidance
Wendell Feagle, Drivers Ed.
Joe Fields, Social Studies
Janet Flint, Home Ec.
Gina Free, Teacher Aide
Wanda Gause, English
Jane Gay, Teacher Aide
Maurice Geiger, Math
Pace Getzen, Voc. Industrial
Nancy Gill, Clerk, Typist
Melvin Goggins, Ind. Skills
June Greenfelder, Social Studies
Judy Griffin, Librarian
Billy Hale, Science
Douglas Hall, Custodians
Larry Hall, Humanities
Peggie Hamilton, Teacher Aide
Elaine Harden, Teacher Aide
Donald Harrison, P.E.
Karla Hatcher, TMH
Keith Hatcher, World History
Robert Henley, Phys.
Kathy Herschleb, English
Earl Hill, P.E.
Elizabeth Hilton, ESE/ VE Classes
Candace Hines, Art
Cheryl Howard, English
Jill Huesman, Agriculture