Page 277 - chs-1991
P. 277

JOSHuA  VI  SO                       DCT 12. Art  Club 12. \IICA 10, 11. FFA  9   M1am1  M1ke
      7  11·73
       M1nimally  Exceptional'             HAROLD  WILLIAMS                     TONYETTE WOOLDRIDGE
                                           7-31-73                              ' Tanya
      KATRI  A  VINZANT                    Football 9, 10, 11, 12; McKmght Achievers 9, 10, 11, 12· Aca-  Flag Corps 10. 11, 12 Captam 12; Homecommg Court 9  10, 11
      9·30·73                              demic Letter  11                      Homecoming Queen 12.  FHA 10, 11, 12; Student Council 9. 10,
      Student Council Secretary 9: Sophomore Vice Pres; )umor Vice              12; junior Executive Committee 11; SADD 12; Youth Council
      Pre  : Senior Class Pres; Tigerettes 10, 11, 12 Lieutenant 11, 12.   KIMBERLY  WILLIAMS   9. FBLA  9
      Falconette>  9.  Homecoming  Queen  9;  Dance  Club  10,  11   9-28-72
      CHAOS 10; Academic Team 10; Homecoming Act1v1tle> 9, 10.   DCT 12         VALERIE  YATES
      11.  12; Student Council 9, 10, 11, 12; French Club 10; Interact   "I don't  know"   1-24-73
      10, 11, journalism 9  12; Ensemble 12; Youth Council9, Who's               Peer Councihng 10, 11; Mat Girl  11, DCT Social Directory 12.
      Who  10, 11, 12                      MARCUS WILLIAMS                      Who  Who 10, 11 , Interact  11, CECF  12
       Keepin'  The  Faith"                7-24-72                               Val  Z
                                           Pep Club 9; Band 9; Track 9, 10, 11, 12; Football10, FHA 10, 11,
      STEPHANIE  WALK                      12; Afro-American  History Club 10, 11, 12,  FBLA  12   ROBERT ZI  SZER
                                            Cheeks                              9-22·73
      11·9·73                                                                    Baseball  10, 12
      Volleyball  10,  11,  12;  Dance  Club 12;  Ensemble 12
       I love  you  Adam'                  RATRICIA  WILLIAMS                   "So  what's  your  point?  L1fe  is  too  short''
      AMANDA  WASDI                        CBE Sweetheart 12; Homecommg Events 11; Spanish Club 11;
       Mandi"                              Dance Club 10, 11
      b-21-73                               All  da  lime
      FBLA  11, 12;  DCT 12
                                           SCOTT WILLIAMS
      LORETTA  WATERS                      3-15·73
       Lori"                               Weightliftmg 12; Wrestling 10, 11,  12
      o-20-72                              ' Get  Big"
      MELINDA  WATSO                       TAMMY WILLIAMS
      Meh                                  10-13-73
      2-8·73                               M1ss  CHS 12,  Mascot  12; Volleyball  10,  11; Ensemble 11, 12.
      Cheerleader 10, 11, 12, BatGirl 12; Honor Soc1ety 9; Beta  Club   French  Club Vice  Pres  12
      Officer  9  Yearbook Staff 9         "L1ttle  Bit"
      If  you  cant be good,  Be  good  at  it '
                                           TRAVIS WILLIAMS
      8-4-73                               Tennis 9, 10, 12; Basketball11, Spamsh Club 9, 10; Interact 11
      Chorus  12;  Photographer 12
      '10-Watts '                          )AMES WILLIAMSON
      WILL  WEAVER                         Football10, 12. journalism 12, Chorus 10, 11, 12; Ensemble 10,
      12-28·72                             11, 12
      Interact 11, 12; Jazz Band 11, Beta Club 11; Mu Alpha Theta 10.   "j .M  Fresh
      11; Spanish Club 9, 10, 11, CHAOS 10, 11; Student Council 10
      Primitive Cool"                      CALANDRA WISE
      MONIKA  WESTBERRY                    journalism 12,  Afro-American  History Club 10
      8-20-73                               Keep  your  eyes on  the  plow hold  on
      Chorus 10; FEA Secretary 11, Homecoming Activities 10, 11, 12
      'You  are  so fake"                  PATRICIA  LEIGH  WITT
                                           Tigerettes 10, 11,  12  Lieutenant  12; Falconette  Captain 9, Su·
      3·19-72                              perstar Girl10, 11, Who's Who 11, 12; Student Council Secre·
                                           tary 12,  Dance Club 10, 11, 12 Officer at  Large 12; CHAOS 11.
                                           Homecommg Events 10, 11, 12, Miss CHS 11; Yearbook Staff
      3-3-73                               12;  Dual  Enrollment 12;  Interact  11
      Baseball  12                         "When are  we  getting out  for  lunch,  Michele??!!
                                           MIKE  WOOD
      2·15·73                              Band 10, 11, 12, Superior 10, 11, 12; Jazz Band 11, 12; Chorus 12

      Girls  just wanna have  fun   Christy Pope,  Laurie  McKinney, and  Kelly  Law  share a laugh  between  classe
      while  Abby Stuart just wants  the camera  out of her  face.

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