Page 124 - chs-1992
P. 124
Jayeeni Patel
Rina Patel
Amanda Payne
Baysha Perkins
Aaron Perry
Mike Perry
Nitosha Perry
Stephanie Peters
Brett Pettyjohn
Mason Pewitt
Lori Pittman
Lari Pitts
Jason Ponte
Russ Pool
Lori Poole
George Potts Travis Buchanan and Kari Pappas, there's a time for work, and a
time for play.
Byron Powell
Jeff Prescott
Lania Presnell
Andrea Pridgen
Jenny Prince
Robert Prince
Kristy Ramsey
John Rancken
Travis Raulerson
Wendy Raulerson
Hertha Ravelo
Darrell Ray
April Raymer
Dale Reed
Lester Reed
Rachel Reed
Michael Reese
Cheryl Reimer
Catherine Reynolds
Tanjanika Rice
Vincent Rice
Joey Richards
Laurel Ring
Mark Rios
Mike Ritter
Stephanie Ritter
Alison Rivers
Kyle Roberts
Stacey Roberts
Kris Robertson
Crystal Robinson
David Robinson
120 Freshmen