Page 132 - chs-1992
P. 132


                               HE BRAUE

                               HE  T'C~RS

           b 1'  185  lb. a  true  othlete. He s  got
           .uhletic ability a!!.  well a  the smuts
           to  be one of  the luders of football
           Jack.son's  maan  goal  for  playang
           football  wa;  to be the  best at what-
           ever  position  he  played  His  mo~t
           memorable  t'(penence  was  the  vic-
           tory  OV<r  uke Howell  for  the  Re·
           gaonal  champs. a  game m  whtch  he
           rush~ for nurly a 100 yards and for
           a touchdown. He g&ves all thanks to
           God. hts parent<, to all  the coaches,
           and  teacher  who  have  tau  ht  him
           that  there'o;,  more  to  life  than  foot-
           ball and the disCipline he h., gaaned
           through ht  htgh school year>. jack-
           son hu committ~ to the Uni\lersity
           of  Flonda

            6 1"  215  lb.  senior  laneman  01vid
            Delgado  has  been  a  key  factor  an
            CHS offense.  H1s  pi.J.ns  iHt to  con-
            tinue to play football or baseball on
            1  scholiH  hip.  Davtd's  mo~m goal  IS
            to have a!t  much fun u  possible. His
            mO!It  memorable experience was the
            fmt hme he  played vusity ba .. boll
            as a  sophomore
            As a two year starter he hu re-ce1ved
            ~II aru.  •nd conference  honors

            5 11  200 lb. sen1or Marlon Moultne
            started hts football career as a fresh-
            man  Hes a key player and the lead-
            er  of  defense  He  ho~~ to  attend
            coll~ge on a  scholar~htp and  major
            in electronics  His most  memorable
            year  as  has  semor  yur.  He  sa ad  an
            order to  be  the  best  you  have  to do
            good in everythang you do no matter
            what II  " · He thanks God for all the
            thing'S  he  has  accomplish~
                                                                 Quarterback  Dernetric jackson  runs  around  the corner  looking  for  running  room.

            Chns Waller, a  6 3  235  lb.  o;emor
            lmeman  is one of the top offensiv~
            l1ntmen  He's  il  two-year  starter
            Chns  i'5o  a  very  compehtive  player
            He gth upset every time the offense
            comes  off  the  field  wathout  any
            pomts.  He  would  like  to  continue
            has football carffr playing either of·
            fen-;.ive  or defensive lane  ·1  hate to
            to .. e and  I feel  if we ~core everytame
            we  get  the  ball  we  wtll  wtn

                                                                               Linebacker  Tra  Fluellen  shows off  his  spirit.
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